Could it be a blog update? Yes! I know it’s been a long time since there has been an update, just about a year or so. I wanted to update it sooner but honestly there has not been a lot of interesting things to post about. Most of the stuff we have been doing has been house maintenance and interior decorating. Neither which makes interesting reading. A few things are worth chatting about however.
The weather has been a bit wonky this year and this previous winter was very cold for Texas. 20 degree weather should never happen south of the Mason-Dixon Line but it hit Austin hard this year. Lots of our cactus died and we are replacing them slowly but that it a story for another blog post.
The good thing was that when Spring arrived the weather was perfect. It still is relatively nice and the summer (A.K.A Hades) season has not yet begun. The only problem with the nice weather is one thing: wind propelled door slamming. We opened all the windows in the house and a few of the house doors would just slam shut when a gust came though. We would stick random household items (Bookstops, Cats, Roombas) in front of the doors but nothing seemed to really work until I discovered the power of magnetism.
These door stops have a magnet in them that keep the doors from blowing open when the wind blows through. They also (in my humble option) look better than the standard spring base door stop.