Random Update I: The Car Talk Guys talk about Cars of the Future in this Episode of Nova.
Random Update II: It looks like someone took some "spy" photos and a video of the Karma in action. You can check them out here.
We have built a modern home in Austin Texas within a local community known as Agave. This site is for the excitement, the challenges and the ongoing maintenance of a home in a green community. We hope to blend interesting design, technology and environmental awareness into one awesome place to live.
There's a whole huge controversy surrounding the Fisker. Apparently, Henrik Fisker was involved in helping Tesla do some design work (Fisker has significant previous design experience and has recently been selling restyled versions of BMWs). Tesla now accuses him of basically stealing their intellectual property for use in his new projects. It'll be interesting to see if any of his cars end up making it to market.
Wow, you are the fastest poster in the west! :)
I did see the article about the law suit and the bickering. Fisker vows to get that it won’t stop them from releasing Q4 2009. There are other issues like price, availability in Austin, longevity etc… I can dream though.
see that guy's pic up there??
I can't find your other email
That dude(Chris) invited us to dinner with:, Marv, & hopefully Lori and Rob (roof house) this Saturday.
And, seeing as how last time we did this, you wish you had attended and helped us annoy the other diners with our loudness...
we thought we'd make sure you had the chance this time.
And we dont know where yet so we are taking suggestions.
I may also have a friend from Dallas join us who might be in town and, of course, Alex.
We'd invite more...but it's starting to become an HOA meeting so we'll just have to have another night for other attendees.
Ya in?
Alana "you may have rocks but we have walls and a roof" Chandler
Yes, join us for dinner.
I think Fisker's previous altered BMWs (that basically ended up looking like a 6 series shagged an Aston Martin) were way over $100k, so I'm thinking the electric might be slightly out of my reach. [cough]
Okay we are IN for dinner. Loved your comment Alana "you may have rocks but we have walls and a roof!". That is true and we seem to be crawling along on ever seeing framing happen. Our contact info is in the Yahoo group database for David and I. We could also slip a cell phone number under your door while we are out there Saturday looking at our foundation AGAIN. We are vegetarians but can eat at most places.
Rob and Lori have fricken birthday and mothersday plans. ALLEGEDLY.
:-)They did ask us to hit em up next outing.
Anywho, I am a pescaterian myself which, although it sounds like some scarcely known church sect, means I eat sea things but nothing else that has a face. Which, unless I'm at a seafood place, typcially means I'm a vegaterian. I was total veg for 20 years til someone dared me to eat a shrimp over a few beers. But that's a whole other Oprah. So you'll dine well at our house.
Speaking of dining, any suggestions as to where...cause ain't nobody comin' over to our place til they repair the Dyson and the boxes go bye-bye.
We're vain like that.
And Roxie is shedding something wicked.
Ok here's some suggestions we can throw out and see what sticks:
Z Tejas, Jaspers, Kanichi
what else?
Alana and Alex
"Anywho, I am a pescaterian myself..."
You know, they have an ointment for that now. Might want to look into it.
(I love that we've totally hijacked this blog for our own annoying chatter.)
One blog isn't enough for me.
I want them all!!
All I tell you!!
Okay, Now I got to random post comments at the at some other blogs. :P
Both Deborah and I are Lacto-ovo vegetarians for those that are keeping score. Not some strange fish eating kind. ;)
We have been to Z Tejas on 183 but I have not heard of the others. I will Goggle 'em. We also won't subjugate the Carnivores to some place like Mothers or Fresh Choice. :) We are flexible.
I'm sorry Rob and Lori can't make it 'cause it would be interesting chatting with others from the NE (I'm from NY).
And now back to the original posts... $100k?! Yea that is a little out of my price range as well.
update: just got this note from Lori: (and blog hijacking is so much more fun than plain ol vanilla email today)
If yall feel like getting out of the house, we're going to Pink Fest '08 at Vino Vino on sat. from 1- 4. it's $10 bucks for lots of tasting and food.
vino vino is on guadelupe, near 41st.
lemme know if yall want to booze it up w/ us.
soooo...anyone else for gettin tipsy earlier on the day? or no?
We can do either. Just thought it sounded interesting.
And I may have spelled Kenichi Kanichi Kanichi wrong but its a sushi place downtown. And, having been lacto ovo for a good half of my life, I know that would work...unless of course you hate sushi...but they have other stuff too.
I’m not totally caffeinated yet so hopefully this will make some sense. Now to totally sound noncommittal we have stuff to do on Saturday so I’m not sure we can make it until later in the afternoon so if everyone wants to go to Vino Vino we might not be able to make it until later. That being said we can try to move some stuff around so we can meet everyone if everyone wants to go. Trying to get more than two people together is like herding cats high on the ‘nip. :)
ok, since Chris and Marv have remained silent, and, I'm assuming, cussing my name with "I know she di'int!! Miss Thang was invited to dinner by US and now we're talkin afternoon sheeeet?! Princess Alana will NOT command us!!" let's just stick to dinner. And no, they never actually talk like that but it's far funnier to write. BUT WHERE ARE WE GONNA EAT GANG? Anyone? Anyone?
and how do you get your picture to show up on your comments like that, my main computer man Chris?
(we could just make this thread a whole new blog soon.)
Starting the weekend's drinking early, Alana?
Yah, let's just do dinner. I've got a ton of work to do this weekend so have to be conservative with the partying. Couldn't care less where we go. Marv and I like everything and haven't been to any of the places you suggested.
And, no, I don't talk like that. I'm not anywhere near that well-spoken.
Two snaps up Alana! That’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw your post.
As for Dinner I’ll put in my $.02 in but I have a slight “story behind it”. The gang (my co-workers) and I were going to go to get pizza for lunch today but the Evil Gods of Work Must be Done (TM) cursed me. So I could not go out with them. That has been leaving me Jonesing for Pizza. I need a fix. So I figure I would toss that suggestion out in to the mix. My three suggestions are CPK (or California Pizza Kitchen for the uninitiated) in the Domain, Brick Oven (Good Pizza but not as good booze as CPK) and Reale’s which has the closest facsimile of NY pizza in Austin
I consider myself the meanest pizza critic...I, too, lived in the Big Apple for 2 years (7 if you count childhood) and I try to scour the lands for a pizza replication...Eastside pies had it for awhile, but they changed their crust and cheese and now they, ahem, suck.
However...Homeslice, my dear, ROCKS!!!!!!!!! In fact, it is always voted the best pizza of Austin. We agree.
So, should you be LOOKING for the ultimate pie and have yet to try the pizza of the Gods at Homeslice...well, baby...you are in for a treat.
However, we're easy (you've probably already heard) so if you drag us to the lesser-than pizza joints, we will still smile when we chew and hold it while we swallow and be determined to like it.
We're sweet like that.
And, just for the record, I didn't mean go wine tasting and THEN go to dinner...I can only take so much of you people. Er, I mean, I have to unpack and all.
Oh, and if anyone hates homeslice, I've never tried Reals so I'm always open to see...if, perchance...
and dontcha know someone is going to come across this car blog and see "21 comments" at the end and think "dang! this dude's got an audience! This is a MUST READ snippet!!"
just sayin.
I never heard of Home Slice but their website (http://www.homeslicepizza.com) has captured my heart. Okay maybe that it a little bit of an exaggeration but you get the idea. I’m up for it. Now only if they have Egg Creams like Katz.
Yea, car enthusiasts are going to love it. I should put some advertising on the page to rack in the dough. I even changed the post name to something a bit more appropriate.
hey, off the subject, you've been framed!
At least half of your house is anyway.
We have been framed? Woot! I smell another blog post!
ok I called Homeslice and yes, albeit tiny, they can have a group of 6 fine...he said for the best way not to have much of a wait at all, we should come in around 6 or 6:15. Is that too early for all y'all?
If that doesn't work, we'll just pick another place from the grand Pizza list..
I would imagine Chris worked up an appetite having chased our dog through the Agave fields this morning...
(Chris is not a dog hater...he just stopped by to give us a phone and Roxie decided to take herself for a walk when I answered the door...and the rest of that story, my dear, is a whole other Oprah I dont wish to air but lets just say if you ever need your car unlocked with no key...the workers throughtout Agave can have it done in under a minute. They are the locked-car-opener-masters. No need for locksmiths in this 'hood. )
6ish sounds good to us! We will swing by Agave at some point and if we have time we will try to stop by and say "Hi".
I just wanted to Say dinner was great and that we had a good time! We are looking forward to the next outing.
I knew someone had to have posted something else on this hijacked site..funny!
mmmm yeah, unfortunately we finished off the last of the leftovers. dang it.
good stuff. good times. :)
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