Well it’s been awhile since I have posted an update. The main reason is that there has not been much interesting going on when you compare it to having a new house built. Oh there is still a 1001 things to do but most of it is not really interesting to write about. I can basically sum it up as that after living a year in Agave things is still going great but things have slowed down a bit.
Right now we are on an art kick since we are sick of the walls being mostly blank. We sent the last year getting most of functional stuff done and now it’s time to liven up the place a bit. Our most recent household purchases were very functional but much needed. We have entered the 21st century and gotten some robots!
Our first new house guest is Robbie the litter-bot. He has a dirty job since we don’t want to do it. Keeping up with two cats can be a chore at times (I don’t know how our neighbors do it with their six million animals) but Robbie is always up to the task. Robbie is literally a poo cleaning up a machine! To keep with the household theme of going Green he is made up of recycled plastic.
Robbie was a lonely fella. He toiled all day and got no respect. We felt bad for him so we decided to get him a lifelong mate. After ordering his bride via mail order Rosie showed up and it was love at first sight. Okay maybe it was the household humans who were in love more than Robbie. Rosie is a Roomba. The problem with Robbie is that litter gets all over the place and he can’t take care of it. Since our floors are either Bamboo or polished concrete litter seems to go everywhere. We were constantly bushing, vacuuming and mopping the stuff up. That’s were Rosie comes in. Once a day she goes out and cleans up after Robbie. By the time we get home the place is spotless.
Between Robbie and Rosie our daily chore requirements have gone down but I kinda felt left out since all the new household automations are for felines. Is there no robot for the humans? I was beginning to think so until I found Gort. Gort is a dream come true. He is a wonder of modern science. Gort is an ENA 4 Automatic Coffee Center. Now this 8th wonder of the world is not part of the household staff yet but he needs to be. I’m hoping that he will show up sometime next year but if he does he might get a name change to Hal. It will be 2010 after all.
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