
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Solicitors abandon ye hope!

Greetings and welcome to the Pit of Despair!
<Insert Evil Laughter here>

Last week to our surprise a big pit was dug for our foundation and the front yard. It's a bit hard to tell from the picture below but in front of the wood is a 3 to 4 foot drop. It's kinda hard to tell what the bu
ilder is going to do but hopefully it will be leveled off and sloped rather than a drop with a retaining wall.

As you can see from this picture the foundation height is way over the length of my arm. The best part of the deep foundation is that the Acme Dungeon will fit perfectly in it. No more pesky solicitors at the door when you can toss them into the Pit. "Sure, I'll take a Time Magazine subscription! Just walk this way..."

Today we stopped by to see if any more work was done and there was! We have dirt! The house is slowly taking shape...

Here is the Cute but Evil Overlord surveying her domain while her minions are toiling in the pit.

No Pit of Despair is complete with out the protection of the surrounding Fire Swamp. Since everyone knows that Rodents of Unusual Size live in the Fire Swamp I was able to take a picture of one in action. As you can see this female known as Shadow is posed to strike at any intruder in her territory.

That's all for now. I have to get back to my search for the six fingered man.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

All Hands on Deck!

No pictures again because there is nothing to show..

We did however meet with Chris and the builder because they wanted to remove the deck on the side of our house and place a deck at the back. This seemed like a very logical thing to do since a)the deck on the side of the house almost hit the property on the other side since we have a narrow lot and b) our foundation at the back will be around 9 feet high. So here we go all hands on deck! We are very excited about this change and think we will have a fab deck in the back, perhaps 12X12 and will have a few parties out there!

Next we found out that they are going to discontinue the use of IKEA cabinets and are going with another manufacturer that will do better installation. The cabinets come in more colors and you can still get the glass doors. We already picked our IKEA cabinets but we can change them to the new brand.. more to come on that.

Last I mentioned seeing the foundations at our neighbor's houses right next to us, there is not a ROCK in sight in those foundations. I said "we want rock!!". Now those concrete floors can be stained but one reason I loved the Agave houses were the floors. Chris said they are also using a new company and the last foundation had rock in it. Something about the old company not doing the procedure correctly? Anyway I know we all signed that piece of paper that states we will accept the concrete floor rocks or not, but I was happy to hear this and hope that we get to see some rocks in that floor in the end!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Our future neighbor Alana said that the foundation was a good thing, and I quote a bit of what she says:

"We were absolutely thrilled to find we had a huge slab like yours. This is rare to find in an affordable builder (we had another builder come out to see the neighborhood and he couldn't believe what an impressive foundation we had...they are VERY expensive to make that large.) The house stability is not only increased, but the views are highly more impressive with the added height".

Another person said "we wont have to worry about flooding". Okay, I will shut up about foundation fears. Thank you everyone :)